About Us

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Welcome to Fuel Health & Wellness where we offer a holistic approach to help you on your health and healing journey. Everyone’s health care needs are different, and we recognize that. There is no one size fits all approach to health care. That’s why we do things differently. We want to keep you healthy, happy, active and pain-free.

We’re your destination to help improve your health and wellness routine. Your body is your greatest asset, and we offer a variety of one-on-one programs and services to determine your goals and get you feeling your best self. We have a team of specialists and board-certified group of health care providers who offer innovative treatment approaches covering physical therapy, stretch therapy, red light therapy, weight loss, nutrition and massage. We offer one on one care for one or multiple services and customize programs to fit your goals and needs.


Our Purpose

The Fuel family encompasses a variety of services to treat your body, mind and spirit. We aim to bring balance to your life and believe in a holistic approach to healing. Our services are inspired by the 4 elements of life. Together, these programs and services help to keep you balanced and grounded.

The core elements that drive our practice:


Healing Services







Who We Are

Our caring and compassionate team of board-certified health care providers and specialists listen to you and evaluate your situation to see what customized treatment plans and advice we can provide to help you achieve optimal health and well-being.

Schedule Appointment

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.

Contact Information
Please tell us about yourself:
Preferred Date and Time Selection